review "Nicos weg"

Nicos Away

One day there was a man named Nico.He came from spanyol to visit his aunty.He not really good in German.When he was arrived at the airport he ordered the taxi , then a little girl asked for his help.And suddenly another man came to the taxi and the taxi's go away.Nico panicked but luckily a woman came to ask what was Nico's problem her named is Lisa.Nico told lisa that his bag had been carried away by someone else , Lisa helped Nico and tells Nico to followed her.When on the way, Nico told his aunt's address but he was not sure because Niko's cellphone was left in his bag.

Lisa tells Nico that his grandfather is a policeman so lisa decides to visit his grandfather.When she wanted to help Nico, Lisa dropped her niece, Emma, ​​at her friend's house because Emma friend had a birthday party.and Nico waiting in the car, while waiting, Nico heard on the radio channel if someone had lost something or else could call the number.

Nico tried to call the number and it turns out that it is spread throughout broadcasts in the city and then Lisa continues to call him.After that Nico and Lisa come to lisa's grandfather.When it arrived lisa talked to her grandfather to ask for his help and his grandfather agreed. Lisa's grandfather asked Nico, where did he come from and where was his passport.

Nico answered "I am from Spanyol , I want to visit my aunty and my passport gone."Lisa's grandfather was confused but her grandfather would try to help Nico.Then after finishing from the police station Lisa took Nico to where she lived there, Lisa lived with some of her friends.lisa and her friends are having an event like thanksgiving so they're preparing decorations and food and nico helps them.

Lisa and her friends offer Nico to stay temporarily in their house while they find Nico a place to stay,Nico agree. Lisa and Nico keep trying to find their aunt's address while lisa teaches German
days go by, Lisa tried to find Nico a place to live and meets them with a grandmother who has an empty place for Nico.

It's been almost 2 weeks Nico lost his bag but no one has found it, now Nico lives with his grandmother who helped him.Lisa was trying to find a new job.When Lisa and Nico were looking for an address they suddenly found it but the door said "move".they looked like they were desperate but Lisa felt sorry for Nico.

Day by days they passed suddenly Lisa's friend call her and told her if she's found nico bag.Lisa and Nico felt so happy and they're visit Lisa friend.And when they're meet Lisa asked her friend "where you found it?" and she said "I dont know because the bag is already lying on the side of the road."

Nico quickly checked his bag, the first thing he saw was his passport and cellphone and it turned out that it was safe but some of Nico's clothes were missing.But that's not a big problem for Nico because the most important thing is his passport and his phone.

Lisa friend asked Nico to bought a new clothes because Nico don't have any sweater and the weather is cold.So they're visit some store clothes and bought clothes for Nico.After a few days, Nico invited his male friends to play football.when they were playing Nico got injured and had to be rushed to the hospital.

Lisa, who heard the news, immediately went to see Nico to make sure that he was okay.Nico said he was fine just a little spraining.The doctor said that Nico had to get enough rest to recover quickly.When Nico recovered, Nico came back to the bicycle shop where his aunt lived and there was a friend of Nico's who said that yesterday his aunt had to leave suddenly because of some business so Nico's aunt wrote "moving".

when they were busy talking suddenly a woman came to the shop and it turned out she was Nico's aunt and said "Nico what are you doing here?"


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